Helping Businesses Since 1962
Providing Unparalleled Customer Service To Your Clients.
We first opened our doors in 1962, when Belle Grubert first opened Blackhorse Answering Service. Back then, answering services were carried out using old Bell Telephone switchboard equipment! As our company grew, and telecommunications technology evolved, we adapted to present-day digital equipment, and continue to roll with the times. We incorporated under A Message Center, Inc in 1990.
Over the years, A Message Center, Inc., has been commended for staffing professional employees with the ability to provide reliable, attentive service to every call. Our live receptionists are trained to handle any type of situation and are experienced in handling emergencies. Their expertise and communication skills have been a terrific asset to many companies throughout the U.S., sometimes even a lifesaver, and they can do the same for yours. We’ll customize our services to your business needs regardless of size or field of specialty. You’ll be able to provide 24/7 customer service, even on holidays, freeing your full-time staff to provide a more efficient service.
We strive to become a trusted extension of your business by providing unparalleled 24/7 customer service to your clients. We achieve these goals by hiring the best employees available, maintaining strict quality controls and diligently training our staff to understand your individual interest as well as effectively evaluating and improving our business.
Our Vision
We envision our company growing with that of our clients as they continue to expand. Unfortunately, the credibility of our industry has been damaged by outsourcing to foreign countries and poor employee screening. Our aim is to bring these jobs back to the United States and restoring a high standard of service to the customer service industry. Although answering services have been around for decades, we believe that our model of "People answering People" represents the best in service. If you agree, call our office in Millville, NJ.
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
PanCAN's vision is to create a world in which all patients with pancreatic cancer will thrive.
PanCAN was the first organization dedicated to fighting pancreatic cancer in a comprehensive way, and for more than two decades, we’ve grown a nationwide movement tackling the disease from all angles.

The Navy-Marine Core Relief Society
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society provides several programs and services to assist active duty and retired Sailors, Marines and their families in financial need.