People Answering People
Since 1962 we have proudly served the needs of businesses throughout the country. In our fast-paced world, prospective clients need quick answers. Even when a voice message, text, or email is left, 95% of your prospects will move on until they reach a live person.
A Message Center’s professional and swift receptionists will ensure you get an opportunity to earn prospective business, and keep your current clients.
Contact An Expert Today!
Real People, Trained and Expert Professionals.
We customize service and agent training to your individual needs. We feature elite services at affordable rates. Our staff is trained to take care of your costumers with courtesy and respect.
Missed calls are missed opportunities. Our receptionists will ensure you never miss an opportunity to make a sale, set an appointment, or answer a potential customer’s questions, even when your business is closed. We’ve provided our first-class services to medical practices, service companies, as well as educational and private organizations. Call today to learn how we can help you meet your specific goals!
We look forward to working with you.
Answering Phone Calls 24/7 & Taking Live Messages
Our live-operator service is the best in the industry. You can always count on our professionals answering the phone to maximize opportunity for your business.
Virtual Receptionists
Your office is always hopping – so much to do, and not enough time to do it. Chances are that busy phones are hampering your staff’s productivity. That’s where AMC's virtual receptionist service comes in. We can unburden your already overwhelmed personnel, giving them more hours in the day to do what they do best: grow your business.
Call Center Services
Our call center services were created with your organization in mind. We know how hard it is to run a small business. After all, we are one too. We have always been committed to offering our clients nothing less than excellence in everything we do.
Orders Taking & Appointment Scheduling
Your customers have the ability to order from your business, as well as schedule appointments via our trained employees.
Tier 1 Customer Service Support
We are the first line for you customer service department, answering frequently asked questions, first line resolutions, and documenting and triaging larger issues.